Arduino for mac
Arduino for mac

And again, you can read a little bit more in the links included in the description., But then the ESP8266 device is just listening to AT commands and you tell it using an AT sequence: quotHey Connect to Wi Fiquot quotthis is my SSID etc.Įtc.quot. That micro controller will send these AT commands via serial aserial UART interface.

arduino for mac

This is where you hook up the ESP8266 to a micro controller typically. And we’re gon na be using today the Arduino IDE, but I wanted to mention the two more popular ones are using AT commands. There are a few different options that you can use for developing firmware. And a few other, like a voltage regulator, a few other components so that you can just plug it into your computer, use the Arduino Ide and just get started with developing software or firmware that would run on the ESP8266 itself. In order to make things even easier., We include a few additional components like a USB to Serial UART translator, chip by Silicon Labs.

arduino for mac

We’ve taken the ESP 12E module mounted it on our development board. The Materials that we’re gon na need for this tutorial are the development board itself., It’s optional, but nice to have a solderless breadboard and just a Micro B, USB cable.

arduino for mac

We’re gon na be using the Arduino IDE to write custom firmware that is gon na, be downloaded onto the board and execute.

Arduino for mac how to#

And today, we’re gon na, be talking about how to get started with the ESP8266 development board.

Arduino for mac